
Campo Del Cielo


Class: CDC [Campo del Cielo] Meteorite Fragment
[Fragments vary in shape, colour and size]
Space age: Up to 4.53 Billion years
Origin: Asteroid Belt Between Mars and Jupiter
Impact: Argentina; Chaco and Santiago del Estero
Impact date: 4,200+ years \ Quoted: Field of Heaven
Elements: Polycrystalline, coarse octahedrite; silicate-graphite-troilite \ 3.6 ppm iridium, 87 ppm gallium, 407 ppm germanium, 0.25% phosphorus, 0.43% cobalt, and 6.67% nickel, with the remaining 92.6% iron. Properties: Aligns energy points \ balances Chakras; strengthens and supports auric fields.


Base size: H: 50mm \ W: 150mm \ D: 14mm
Base: Aluminium - Brushed - online colour may vary
Class: Campo del Cielo Meteorite Fragment [vary online in shape, colour, size]
Space age: Up to 4.53 Billion years
Origin: Asteroid Belt Between Mars and Jupiter
Origin distance: 2-4 times the Earth-sun distance: 450 million km
Asteroid-belt span: 140 million miles across
Asteroid-belt: Objects within; divided into eight subgroups
Impact: Argentina; Chaco and Santiago del Estero
Largest Crater: 91 meters across
Impact date: 4.4k+ years \ Quoted: Field of Heaven
Properties: Align energy \ balance Chakra; strengthen auric fields
Elements: Polycrystalline, coarse octahedrite; silicate-graphite-troilite
PPM: 3.6 ppm iridium, 87 ppm gallium, 407 ppm germanium
META%: 0.25% phosphor, 0.43% cobalt, 6.67% nickel, 92.6% iron
Avg. Engraved processing time: please enquire within

Distance from Earth

The distance between Earth and the Asteroid Belt varies significantly depending on perspective. On average, it ranges from 1.2 to 2.2 astronomical units (AU), equivalent to approximately 179.5 to 329 million kilometres (111.5 to 204.43 million miles). However, considering the varying positions of Earth and the Asteroid Belt relative to the Sun, this distance can extend to 3.2 to 4.2 AU, corresponding to about 478.7 to 628.3 million kilometres (297.45 to 390.4 million miles). This range spans from just beyond the Sun-Earth distance to comparable to the Earth-Jupiter distance at their closest approach.

1 AU is equal to about 150 million kilometers (93 million miles).

CDC [Campo del Cielo]

The Campo del Cielo impact occurred approximately 4,200 - 4,700+ years ago. The Campo strewnfield is roughly 11 miles in length and includes 25+ distinct craters. It is one of the largest known meteorite fields on Earth and perhaps consists of one of the single biggest crater fields discovered to date.

Originating from an asteroid-belt between Jupiter and Mars; No planet has a perfectly circular orbit around the sun and therefore the distance between each planet can take on two very extreme numbers. The AVERAGE distance between Mars and Jupiter is 3.68 AU. Approximately 550,390,000 km, or 342,012,346 miles.

This impact was one of the largest impacts from which actual meteorite specimens have been recovered, with the heaviest single mass from the fall weighing 37 tons. Described as “El Chaco,” it is regarded as a national treasure and remains in Argentina where it originally impacted our planet. Another large mass, known as “Otumpa” weighing an estimated 1,000 kg was discovered in 1803. Due to a shortage of terrestrial iron, the Otumpa mass was transported to Buenos Aires where attempts were made to fashion it into weapons for use in the war against Spain. Some of this iron was employed to make the barrels of two pistols that were presented to United States President James Monroe, but the bulk of it (now reduced to 634 kg) eventually made the long sea journey to England, where it became the first large meteorite to be displayed at London’s British Museum.

Numerous additional masses have been found over the years and Campo del Cielo has one of the longest and most interesting terrestrial histories of any iron meteorite. It is a polycrystalline, coarse octahedrite, and cut specimens often show inclusions of silicate-graphite-troilite and only 5% of the world's meteorites have such properties making the Campo del Cielo particularly rare.

Campo del Cielo fragments are solely found within a particular crater in northern Argentina that covers a 24-square-mile area and was estimated to have impacted. The first record of this mineral dates back to 1576 when the governor of a northern Argentina province used the military to search for a large piece of metal. He was only aware of this material because of the knowledge from the aboriginal people of Argentina, who used the meteorite to craft weapons and other objects of curiosity, most notably items for rituals and ceremonies.

They found what had been assumed to be the natural metal and sent it back to England for further analysis. There was no recorded activity for the Campo del Cielo meteorite until 1774. However, little did the governor know that he had actually found an 18-ton specimen that was later referred to as Meson di Fierro; meaning 'table of iron'. A name coined by Don Bartolomé Francisco de Maguna, who “rediscovered” the mineral in 1774.

Further expeditions in 1783 by Rubin de Celi led to the use of explosives to try and extract this extraordinarily large specimen from the Earth. He was unsuccessful in his trial and later deemed this material to be made from ancient volcanic activity, which was thought to be the source of a hidden iron mine.

This specimen was mysteriously extracted within a century, between 1783 to the late 1800s. Years later, in 1992 a man was arrested for attempting to smuggle out a 37-ton piece of the meteorite. To this day, this mineral has not officially been determined as the famed Meson di Fierro, but many researchers and geologists have recorded this discovery to be so.

The name of this mineral comes from the aboriginal people who initially discovered and alerted the Spanish of its existence. Natives believed it had fallen from a specific position in the sky known to them as “Pigeum Nonralta”. In Spanish, this translates to “Campo del Cielo”, which means “Field of Heaven”.

Campo del Cielo (Meteorite) - Legendary Meteorites.
It is believed that this meteorite is among the heaviest single pieces of space rock to impact Earth, with the total recovered weight of the pieces so far being 100+ tons. Included in that weight is the third largest single piece of space rock recovered in 2016 known as the “Gancedo”. This massive specimen weighs over 30 tons and is 90% Iron and 10% Nickel, much like the rest of the pieces recovered from these craters.


A wonderful green fluorite gemstone the size of a ball on a brass stand cradled fit
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An independent specialists with in-house preparation and design processes that adheres to the ◾VOSSO® standard with rare palaeontological, mineralogical and astronomical accents, prioritising quality, licensed products that represent the original source,