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Authenticated Certificate

Authenticated Certificate

All VOSSO® products include a signed certificate of authenticity guaranteeing your item is quality assured with a "lifetime guarantee".

Authenticity Guarantee

All products described within in our website, shops and exhibits are accompanied by a COA ("certificate of authenticity") document. Most include a special card certificate, and few are issued with a printed document.

The certificate guarantees you authenticity with attribution to the type, origin and information on our website - assurance that we have sold you what has been illustrated, and described as it is, a genuine specimen. Similarly, to a bond, this is a money back guarantee, and that your product is 100% described correctly.


Issuing a COA ("Certificate of Authenticity"); acts as a bond between VOSSO® (the seller) and you (the buyer). We guarantee accurate information and authenticity of your new product and can be issued for re-sale in the future, or used for insurance purposes in the future.

Restoration + Conservation

Unearthing a natural specimen in a singular piece is vastly rare and such products require further conservation. Restoration is normally required as a matter of course to be stabilised, and exceptional specimens may require no work at all.

Legal Notice

VOSSO® solely works with "licensed products" that have been traded legally and, or occupy a unique license document. We avoid lab grown or made up products which are not normally realised by a novice enthusiast.

VOSSO® products are acquired through legal networks only. Unless a product line or series was acquired before the date of any new rules and legislations by a country.